"Everything you want is on the other side of something hard."

I don't want to make this about me, but since you asked. 🤣  

✈︎ Grew my first startup to $5.5 million in 5 years
✈︎ Tripled my father's revenue from $1 to $3 million in 3 years
✈︎ Helped lead a $40 million company to record breaking sales

Read more about my career on LinkedIn

When I left my father's business to start my first company, my wife (at the time) didn't believe I could do it, so she took off. We had 2 kids and almost $0 net worth. Yes, it was hard, but 5 years later I made my first million. And I've been happily re-married for 20 years. 😊 Believe in yourself when no one else does.

I love growing companies, but I also have a passion for health and wellness. I earned 3 professional certifications in nutrition and fitness. Thought about being a health coach for a minute, but ultimately decided to stay in my lane. 

I run a Spartan race every year and recently started competing in gravel bike races. 💪 I do hard things like this to stay mentally and physically able to be, do, and have everything I want for as long as possible. Money doesn't matter if you can't enjoy it.

"A healthy man wants a thousand things. A sick man only wants one." — Confucius


Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Computer Information Systems


Master of Business Administration (MBA)

My Why

I'm on a mission to help business owners build 7 figure businesses so they can do what they love. ✈️ We don't need more small businesses. (<7 figures) We need more of the good ones to survive. And thrive! (7+ figures)

Serving a meaningful purpose is an important part of health and wellness (see above). I believe helping you build your 7 figure business is a meaningful purpose.

"Happiness is the joy you feel while striving to reach your potential."

I also agree with Jim Rohn, "You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with." Outside of spending time with my family and friends, there's nothing I'd rather do than continue striving to reach my potential by spending time with other business owners like you
That's why I do this.

My Guiding Principles

My leadership team and I collaborated 20 years ago to come up with these and I've been living by them ever since.

Do the Right Thing. Climb the right mountain. Do what matters most. Treat everyone with respect.

Go the Extra Mile. Give before you get. Do more than expected.

Communicate Effectively. Open your mind. Listen with intent to understand. Be clear and constructively honest. 

Collaborate More. Focus on what you do best. Find a partner to help you with the rest.  Build trusting relationships.

Beat Your Best. Celebrate your success and then find a bigger mountain. Think differently.